2014-01-12 15.00.30_2    


12th Jan 2012- 12th Jan 2014.


It has been two years since first I came to the UK.


I am not the person two years ago. Of course I am older. However, everything has changed me.


I got much more stories, some sweet, some stupid, some scary, some ...



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From 2013 to 2014, some Mandarin speaking people said it's important to be with the people/person you love.

"2013" sounds like "love you for the whole life" in Mandarin.

"2014" sounds like "love you for a century" in Mandarin.

The end of 2013, I was a tour guide for a few couples in London because they visited here.

Basically, I became the third wheel but I enjoyed it.

The girl was sick and could not say any word. The guy kept laughing at her voice but made sure she got enough cloths on at the same time.

The guy walked faster on the street and turned back to check if the girl was still there. The girl said to him that she can always easily see his back. He did not have to worry about her that much.

The girl was cooking dumplings. The guy said the way she cooked was not the same as his way. They had a small argument but after all, they ate the dumplings and talked, laughed.


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When I traveled to Czech Republic, I met two Belgian guys in different cities, one from the Wallonie part (French speaking) and one speaks Flemish (Dutch speaking). I have read an article talking about their country-without-government. Then I asked them about the situation. Here I want to share what my friend, Jasper, told me.



"Belgium is a federal country, and after the federal elections of June 2010 it took almost 1,5 years to form a new government; that's a world record!

But in the meantime the regional governments were working as usual. After all the federal government doesn't have many competences, most stuff that is important for the economy is decided at the regional level. However, the budget allowance for the regional governments is decided at the federal level as well as most of the taxes. So without federal government the regional ones continued to work without spending too much (as there was no one competent to decide on increasing the budget). I think that it basically saved Belgium from a budget crisis.
The flemish-wallonian thing is an obsession in the country. They try to magnify the differences however small they are (apart from the languages which are very different). Once you leave the country you find out that they have much more in common than they would believe." (Jasper, 2013)

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Since the new year is coming soon, I would love to talk about the new year's eve in Deutschland because I was there one year ago.


For new year's eve in Germany, their tradition is to have Raclette with friends and playing board games (to wait for 12:00AM).

At the moment, every TV broadcasts this black-and-white film called "Dinner for One".
同時間,各家電視台會播出這黑白短片"Dinner for One"

Up to half the population may watch it every year on New Year's Eve.

Then people go out with a bottle of champaign and fireworkds (the small ones).


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"I really have no idea what is fun for traveling. After traveling, what have you got? Only the photos. I rather spend my money on cloths, shoes and bags." A friend said it to me before.

I smiled and did not answer my friend.

Do you know people in Germany flush the toilet with the lid down? (All right, not only German do it. Now more and more people do it.)

Do you know they turn off the engine in front of railroad crossing when the trains are passing by?


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She was exploring a new place with a map and the camera.

A man came to her and asked for an attraction.

Then they decided to walk around in the city together.

They talked, they laughed. They exchanged the travel experiences.

Before saying good-bye by the end of the day, they walked up to a hill and enjoyed the nightview from the top of the city.

"Maybe it should be ended at the most beautiful moment." She talked to herself.

However, it's not the end.

After a month, they met again in a different city.


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Keep Calm and Carry On  


"Keep Calm and Carry On" was first a poster produced by the Government of the United Kingdom in 1939 during the beginning of the Second World War, intended to raise the morale of the British public in the event of invasion. (Wikipedia) It was red background with white words on it.

"保持冷靜並繼續前進"這句標語一開始是出現在1939年二次世界大戰初期,英國政府為了提高民眾的士氣而設計的海報之一 (維基百科),原先是紅色背景、白色的標語

It's the most important for me right now.



As some friends know from my Facebook, I was robbed on 25th June 2012 near Manor Metro Station.

一些朋友從我的Facebook上得知了我25th June 2012在Manor Metro Station附近被搶劫

It was too late for a girl to walk alone on the street at midnight. However, I did it!


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Since my friends are everywhere in the world, my birthday is longer from Australia time to USA time.



2009, I spent my birthday in Sydney for Mardi Gras. 


It was the first time I slept on the car with friends.




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I was supposed to be in a workshop at the moment.


It is an international workshop called "Global Service JAM" which is held in many places at the same time.


這是一個關於服務設計的工作營,Global Service JAM,同時間在世界各地舉辦 

The following link is the one held in Taipei City, Taiwan.




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Monday to Friday, I am a student.


For weekends, I am a tourist.




I went to Tynemouth (Vintage) Market yesterday with my classmates.


It was not only the first time I left from the town, but also the first snowing day in the UK.



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