We went for a one day tour today.
It's USD 55.
We paid 425,000 kip yesterday and the tour guy told me it's not the real price today.
不管怎樣,一大早我們又多付了40,000 kip
Anyway, we paid 40,000 kip each this morning.
I met Ryan and Lisa who I used to work with in Rewards in our minivan.
What a small world.
參加slow boat形成的只有我和我的德國朋友
Only two guests stayed on the slow boat.
It's quite nice to travel around the Mekong River by slow boat.
首先,我們去了個叫做Ban Xang Khong Village的村莊,看他們怎樣造紙及織圍巾
First, we went to Ban Xang Khong Village to see how they make papers and scarves.
Then it's a long rest for elephant rading.
We met Ryan and Lisa again and then we did riding together.
I'm glad we chose one hour riding, not 2.5 hours riding.
The experience is quite unforgetble.
但對我而言,一次就夠了 :)
One time! Enough for me :)
至於接下來的Pak Ou Cave,洞穴裡有超級無敵多的佛像
About Pak Ou Cave, there're so many Buddhas in the cave!
最後,我們去了個村莊Whisky Village,看他們如何釀Lao Lao(一種據說非常烈的酒)
Last, we went to Whisky village where they make Lao Lao, Laos' whisky.
Compared with others, It's a big village.
Joern買了瓶小的Lao Lao當作紀念品,我則買了兩條項鍊給自己
Joern bought a small bottle whisky for souvenir and I bought two necklaces for myself.
70,000 kip兩條,應該不算敗家吧!哈
70,000 kip for two. (1 NTD is about 250 kip)
On the way back, we got an extra tour because it's sunset time, yeah!
I heard the earthquake news from Joern and checked everything in Taiwan.
Wish everyone in TW is fine.
Bless everyone!
Ginger @ Sivilay Guesthouse, Luang Prabang, Laos
10.03.04 Sisavangvong Road, the mainstreet in Luang Prabang
10.03.04 slow boat one day tour
10.03.04 good morning, Mekong River
10.03.04 she's trying to make paper
10.03.04 Ban Xang Khong
10.03.04 I'm going to ride the elephant
10.03.04 start
10.03.04 they're trying to find some gold
10.03.04 it's Mekong River
10.03.04 arriving Pak Ou Cave
10.03.04 it's Pak Ou Cave
10.03.04 Pak Ou Cave, Mekong River
10.03.04 Whisky Village
10.03.04 it's a big village
10.03.04 pink bicycle
10.03.04 weave
10.03.04 slow boat, Mekong River, sunset