
10.09.26from Port Vila.JPG  


萬那杜首都 Port Vila 所在的島嶼為 Efate,也是我們這次行程最主要待的地方

We spent more time in Port Vila, Efate of the trip.

由於紐約班機延誤,我無法在雪梨與D碰頭一起飛到Port Vila

Due to the delayed flight in New York, I couldn't meet D in Sydney and then took the same flight to Port Vila.


I finally arrived Vanuatu after 64 hours' flights and waiting.


When tourists came into the arrivals hall, some Vanuatuans sang and played guitar for us even it's almost midnight.


主島 Efate 上有backpacker,也有不少高級度假型飯店

There's a backpacker and many high quality resorts in Efate.

旅程中有幾天我們選擇據說是最高級的 Iririki Island Resort,它位於市中心旁一個小島

We chose Iririki Island Resort which is an island near the CBD to stay for few days. People said it's the best resort here.

搭乘免費的小船可以往來 Iririki 以及市中心,堪稱方便

It's convenient to take a free boat between Iririki and the CBD.


The markets at the CBD always open except Sundays.

很多萬那杜人並不住在 Port Vila ,他們利用假日回家鄉帶上蔬菜再回到市場

Most of Vanuatuans don't live in Port Vila. What they always do is to go home and get goods (veggies) on Sundays. Then they come back to the market.


Vanuatuans sell goods during the day and sleep in the market for another day. They make it a weekly routine.


The consumption level here is higher than in Australia. Aussie and Kiwi tourists are everywhere. The residents don't shop a lot.


10.09.26it's the resort i'll stay.JPG 


10.09.28sunset at Iririki Resort.JPG 


10.09.29the harbour of Port Vila.JPG 


10.09.29sunset at the harbour to Iririki.JPG 


10.09.30came back to Iririki Resort.JPG 


10.10.01the clean sea.JPG 


10.10.01only for Iririki Resort.JPG  


這些大家喜歡的照片,大部分是圍繞在 Iririki Island Resort

most photos everyone liked were taken around Iririki Island Resort. 


10.10.04it was too cloudy.JPG  


一個特別的景點,在Hideaway Island有全世界唯一的海底郵局,你得潛水投遞信件

There's a special spot, the world's only Underwater Post Office in Hideaway Island. You must duck-dive down for sending a waterproof postcard.


10.10.04not far from where we stayed.JPG 


10.10.06still Blue Lagoon.JPG 


10.10.06Eton Beach.JPG  



Some of the photos were taken at the scenic spots when we drove around in Efate.

離開首都後,少了遊客們,多了份寧靜,也與 Tanna Island 比較相像

Without tourists, we got more peaceful when we were away from the capital. It's more like the life when we were in Tanna Island.




About Vanuatu, I wrote in three parts. The first one based on "people". The second one was about the "environment". You can see the landscapes in this article.


If you are interested in Vanuatu, e-mail me or you can read some information on Wikipedia.






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